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Monday, 13 March 2017

GCAT comes to your town: MARCH

On March, the GCAT-BST mobile units will be present at Vilanova i la Geltrú, Mollet del Vallès and Sabadell. If you are still not collaborating with us, join us calling at 935573500 or coming to our temporary centers:
·  March 7 at Mollet del Vallès (Institut Mèdic Baix Vallès , C/Gaietà Vinzi 52)
·  March 16 at Sabadell (Casal Pere Quart, Rambla 67)
·  March 23 at Vilanova i la Geltrú (Centre Cívic la Geltrú, Pl. Associació Alumnes Obrers 1)