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Miguel Angel Pujana
Institut d’Investigació Biomédica de Bellvitge (IDIBELL)

The immune system maintains organismal integrity and function by
continuously protecting itself from exogenous and endogenous assaults. The
concept of "immunological surveillance of cancer" was first proposed in 19701,2.
In this theory, the immune system inactivates or eliminates cancer-prone cells
that are detected early in normal tissue. Immunosuppression due to primary
immunodeficiency or to therapies administered to prevent organ transplant
rejection, and certain virus infections are associated with an increased risk of
some cancers. Studies of mouse models with defined genetic alterations have
demonstrated the relevance of immunosurveillance3. However, this process may
be altered by local or systemic inflammatory conditions, like those produced by
virus infections. Chronic inflammation has been linked to various steps involved
in tumorigenesis, including cellular transformation, proliferation, and